The Housing Data Standard in the UK

The Housing Data Standard, version 2.0 (launched january 2019)

Version 2.0 of the UK housing data standards includes nine new data exchanges based on the reactive repairs process. These include:

Raising a work order with a contractor: the information that the housing provider passes over to the contractor. This ensures that a consistent data set moves between the provider and contractor, so that they have the right data to get the right job done, improving customer satisfaction in the process. It also enables you to conduct analysis across your repairs services, so you can measure contractor efficiency and value for money, knowing that you're comparing like with like.

Raising a work order with a customer: this enables housing providers to move their customer model closer to the DPP type of service model, where the customer is able to specify the date, hours, or delivery date of their choice, or to advise about other options. It will enable you to build services with this level of customer interaction and involvement, improving customer experience and overall satisfaction.

Version 2.0 has been developed by HACT and OSCRE, in partnership with Coastline, Halton Housing Trust, L&Q, Lewisham Homes, Magna, Metropolitan Thames Valley, Poplar HARCA and Settle, and supported by Housemark and Pilon.

The work extends existing use cases around work order management particularly in the areas of scheduling with the customer and day-of-repair status updates. It also added several code lists to support more detailed property typologies, including construction methods. It still includes all the elements from version 1.0, which covered the voids and allocations process, and core customer data.

To access the interactive version of the data standards, view the standards on the OSCRE web site.

The housing data standard library is made up of the following components

UK housing data standard library:

• Quick Start Guide
• Reference Data Model
• Data Exchange Standards
• Governance
• Implementation

The UK Housing Data Standard is free to use subject to the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0) license

The Housing Data Standard, version 1.0 (launched january 2018)

Collecting, processing and using data will help housing associations to become more effective and provide in the end better housing for more people. Developing a sector wide data standard is important in this process, as it will allow associations to share and compare their figures and for their IT-based systems to be able to 'talk' to each other.
Professionals in the Netherlands have been striving to create such a standard for some time. With good results as the Dutch CORA standard was launched back in 2016.

Recognising there is a need to improve the quality of data in housing, HACT and OSCRE have launched the UK's first Data Standard to the housing sector. Version one of the HACT UK Housing Data Standard covers the voids and allocations processes as well as the core customer data.

HACT is a charity, social enterprise and industry-focused think/do tank, established in the 1960s by the housing association sector, seeking to influence and innovate in ways which help all housing providers deliver more effectively within their communities. Over the past ten months HACT and its partner OSCRE have been working with seventeen housing providers to create a Data Standard that will be free to use for the sector. Time to learn more about this project and how the resulting Data Standard will benefit the sector.